Sunday, May 17, 2015

Uncommon Goods GIVEAWAY!

You may remember this post from a few months ago... 
The company Uncommon Goods made all my dreams come true. 

They made my beloved Chip President of the United States! 

Now, Uncommon Goods is offering a gift certificate to their web site to a reader of the newly named "Half-Full Chronicles".  First, let's chat a little bit about the company Uncommon Goods. Their focus is to, "feature unique designs and handcrafted gifts created in harmony with the environment and  without harm to animals or people." Many of their products are made right here in the United States AND the mission of their company is impact the world in a positive way. <--That's fantastic.

While browsing the pages of unique products online, I came across a gratitude kit in the Housewarming section. I was in love! 

As soon as I found the Year of Gratitude Kit in the Home Decor, I knew it would be the perfect complement to our engagement. Scott and I have so much to be grateful for at this time in our lives and why not share that with others? The entire kit revolves around giving thanks for 52 weeks! 

Since Scott and I are homeowners now, we are always hunting to decor items and pieces to fit our new place together. Uncommon Goods has quite the array of Home Decor items you should check out. 

Another fun item making its way into our new home is this Cheese & Crackers Serving Board. I can't wait to fill it with my favorite cheeses - like gouda... yum! -  and crackers for our official housewarming party this summer. Did I mention we'll be husband and wife by then? Oh my! I can't wait. 

Here's a first for the 'ol blog! How about a giveaway?! Uncommon Goods is giving away a gift certificate to their site and YOU could win. 

 Leave a comment below and share what you would buy with a gift certificate! 

The winner will be revealed on FRIDAY! 


  1. What a cute shop! I think the state dish towels are speaking to me, but I'm also in love with the nerdy building blocks!

  2. I entered I think! Let me know if it didn't work!

    1. How would you use the gift card if you won!?

  3. Traveling is a huge passion of mine. If I were to win the gift card, I would absolutely buy the Scratch Map Deluxe! I just recently heard of them and then saw it on their website and just adore it. Scratching off my latest adventure would be very exciting!

  4. Ah how exciting! Too many awesome goodies to choose just one! I obviously NEED the DJ Cat Scratching Pad and the Cardboard Cat Teepee, and I think the Zen Dog Garden Sculpture would keep Hadlee feeling peaceful post surgery. After my animal friends are covered, I'd treat myself to the Golden Agate Slice Mini Earrings! :)

  5. i love the literary scarves! so chic, nerdy and awesome!

  6. So fun!! I loove the "when life gives you lemons" watercolor! I also really need the "don't forget to water the plants" print, bc.. well, you know! ;)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What a fun idea! I love this site... Makes it so hard to choose just a couple things. I am obsessed with the Fire Escape Shelves and the Aromatherapy Kit, though.

  9. What a fun idea! I love this site... Makes it so hard to choose just a couple things. I am obsessed with the Fire Escape Shelves and the Aromatherapy Kit, though.

  10. What great items! So unique AND practical. The tablet holder cutting board is brilliant. I want one! And a few (ok, a lot) of other things.

  11. As a cardiac RN, I love the heartbeat necklace. :)

  12. I would get the Bad Dog Diner Mug Set.

  13. I would get a new tablecloth, or a toy for my cat!

  14. I'd love to get the moss terrarium bottle!


  15. I would get the Butter Crock and Spreader.

  16. Give it to my hubby for Father's day.



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