Monday, January 2, 2012

Bring it On 2012!

If you've been a follower of my blog for very long, you'll know that I cannot sew. This isn't one of those situations where I'm just saying I can't sew and then whip up a new set of curtains and a fuzzy sweater. No, I legitimately cannot sew. It's been my crafting Achilles heel for 23 long years. 

You can imagine my surprise when I unwrapped this beauty on Christmas Day! I am so excited to expand my crafting to the wide world of sewing. 

Now, first things first. I must learn how to sew. 
Sounds simple enough, right? Since I can't sew and I'm terrified of taking my brand spankin' new sewing machine out of the box, I'll settle for my sewing wish list.

1. Pillows, pillows, and more pillows.

E Tells Tales
2. Curtains. I'm fortunate enough to have several windows all over my house and right now they're naked. They need some curtain love.

3. Bunting. I've mastered the non-sewing version of bunting, but I want to be a master of the needle and thread sorts.

Apartment Therapy
4. Did I mention pillows?

Infarrantly Creative
I think I should quit while I'm ahead. Now, I must get back to a very urgent matter. I'm right in the middle of disc one of season six of How I Met Your Mother.

Happy 2012!


  1. What a great gift!!! I can knit {not very useful for living in Florida} and always wanted to learn how to sew and quilt! I love those pillows! I NEED pillows for the couch and some new curtains :)

    Are you go to take classes? I know Joanne's & Michaels offer them.

    Looking forward to seeing your new creations :)

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. Ooooo, I learned to sew many moons ago on a Singer . . . what a super gift! I'm with Mor, cannot wait to see your answer to the question, "SEW what?"

    Happy 2012, my friend!

    The Corner On Character


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