Explore the Chronicles

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Couples Shower Fun: Hartleywood Game Night!

There are few things I love more than hosting people in our home. Ever since I was a young one, I've loved to entertain and be a hostess. 

When we had an opportunity to host a couples shower for two of our very great friends who will be getting married in November (friends who helped us tear down wallpaper I must add!), I volunteered our home immediately! 

After brainstorming a bit with the bride and groom to be, they both suggested a game night! After some pinning and punny conversations with my husband, we hatched the idea to host, "Hartleywood Game Night" in honor of the future Mr. & Mrs. Hartley! 

As usual, I reached out to my super talented design friends and ask them to whip up a few things for the party. My friend Maggie (you may remember her talents from our wedding) created the Price is Right sign with the future Hartley's hashtag and a graphic for our Family Feud game! I was able to decorate the house with the amazing game show style signs! 

Our first game of the evening was... you guessed it... The Price is Right! We had guests at the par-tay shout out prices as the bride and groom competed to win each of the household items. 

The Handsome Game Show Host! 
Our second game for the night was Family Feud! Thanks to Youth Downloads and his amazing Family Feud PowerPoint, we were able to play Family Feud - wedding style! Did I mention we had a pretty handsome host too?

We split the room into Boys vs. Girls and let the games begin! 
It. Was. Awesome. 

Another one of my oh-so-talented best friends made these adorable Wheel of Fortune inspired cupcake toppers! 

Kudos to Abby Graves!
Guests were invited to leave well wishes and advice for the happy couple on a Jenga block. At the end of the party, Elyse and Tyler took the game home! 
The kitchen was full of yummy treats, but among the deliciousness was the WORLD FAMOUS Dicus BBQ Pulled Pork Sliders and homemade BBQ sauce! 

I couldn't get enough of Maggie's amazing game show graphics, I stuck one on each of the food labels as well. 
No Leftovers Here!

A great night spent with great friends! 
How cute is this happy married couple to be?

We Can HARTLEY wait until November 7! 

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