Explore the Chronicles

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sure.. I Enjoy Football

I can't exactly classify myself as a "die-hard" football fan. Let's put it this way, I enjoy going to games for the jumbo soft pretzels and seeing my friends - not necessarily in that order. I have fond memories of attending Chiefs games with my family, Mizzou games with my friends in college and now my husband, but I'm not the type to remember the score... who we played... those awesome plays... Nope. Not me. 

Luckily, my husband loves me through it. 

However, when I found out a certain Fantasy Football draft was going to be held at our house, I decided to:
a.) find other plans for the night

when that didn't work....
b.) invite myself
c.) class up the join
d.) decorate, cook, and decorate some more

After some research (you think I'm kidding), I matched NFL teams to my dishes. 

We enjoyed Philadelphia Eagles & Cheese Sandwiches
(Recipe from Taste of Home)

Buffalo Bills Chex Mix 
(Recipe from Iowa Girl Eats)

How about some Seattle Seahawks Summer Sausage?

No party is complete without dessert....
Kansas City Chiefs ScotCHaroos (this was a stretch, but delicious!)
(Recipe from Pillsbury)

My work here is done. 

P.S. Who won the Super Bowl again? 
I'm kidding.. I'm kidding. 

Kind of...

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