Explore the Chronicles

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I Bid You Farewell, Sweet Summer. (Well... Almost)

In four days I'm...
back in action! 
on the clock! 
ready to rumble!
back to workity-work!
setting my alarm and waking up early!
drinking lots of energy drinks again!
sleeping less and stressing more!
starting my third year of teaching!


As the last weekend of summer approaches quickly, I am caught thinking about the spectacular summer that I just experienced. It feels so wonderful starting a new year knowing that I took advantage of every opportunity.  I squeezed in vacations, family time, relaxation, sleep, road trips, and everything in between into the past three months. Plus, I spent all of my time with the best people on the planet. Perhaps I'm biased, but I'd like to think that I'm the luckiest. 

Here's a few snapshots that reflect the amazing summer that quickly passed by. I wish I could post the hundreds of pictures I took, but I had to pick a few (or two or three...). 

Hanging out with this little man and his vibrant personality takes the cake. Even if he's only three, the kid can still crack me up and fill my heart with oodles of joy.

Plus, we got to celebrate his third birthday! Who else can say they hung out with a bunch of pirates one Saturday afternoon?

We skipped town and headed out west to sunny San Diego, California. It was a trip for the memory books! Plus, we got to spend time with two of my very best friends who happened to get hitched!

There was never a dull moment in SD. We rode bikes, kayaks, boats, cabs... you name it, we tried it out. Besides all of the sightseeing, we got to hang out with locals! 

Ali & Brian said their heartfelt and emotional I do's overlooking the beautiful water. Of course, I cried. A lot. 

These two love birds made me cry one too many times. Let's be honest, I cried waaaay too much at their wedding. I can't help it! They're just too cute to say dry-eyed. 

As a bonus, I talked this handsome gentleman into hopping on a plane with me. Lucky me, huh?

San Diego proved to be the perfect reuniting place for two of my favorite gals! I guess this means I'll have to go back to California soon so I can see you both again. 

 My BFF (yes, that's Best Friend Forever) came back to the Show Me State one weekend and I got to spend quality time with her on a boat one afternoon. Murphy hung out too!

My seeester had a birthday and we celebrated with ice cream cake and family time. Perfect!

Kenny Chesney couldn't get enough of Missouri last year, so he had to come back to Arrowhead with his good pal Tim McGraw. A year later, it was still an awesome show. 

I spent many weekends playing hostess to these lovely ladies and many wonderful friends. It gave me several opportunities to test out recipes and an excuse to fold my laundry. 

I became an aunt again!!! As if having a nephew isn't great enough, now I'm the happy aunt to an adorable baby girl, Libby. 

Needless to say, Grandpa and I are just eating her up. She's too cute not to love. 

She's definitely my favorite niece. 

My grill was used many many times this summer - except only by me once. I let other (knowledgeable) people test her out. (Jason, I know you're reading this...)

I spent lots of time with my girlfriends celebrating another bride to be. Our pink shades and lei's made us a popular bunch at the water park!

I spent several days participating in professional development with my lovely coworkers in STL!

One lucky water proof camera managed to survive kayaking, floating down the river, and several lake trips. Developing that bad boy was a treat!

We celebrated America's birthday in all the hot spots in STL. Actually, let me rephrase: We celebrated America's birthday in the air conditioning at all of the hot spots in STL. 

I cooked, we cooked, I ate, we ate... it was a glorious summer of food experimentation. 

My beautiful friend, Kelley, said "I do". Of course, I was waterworks that weekend as well. I'm uncontrollable when it comes to my emotions apparently. Don't invite me to your wedding unless you supply a box of tissues. 

Speaking of crying, I might burst into tears right now. Maybe it's the Olympics? I don't know, but all of this nostalgia is getting me mushy. I need to lock it up before the primetime events begin or I'll be boo-hooing all night long.

Thanks for reliving the past few months with me. I sure enjoyed it!

What was your favorite memory from summer 2012? Do share!


  1. Aww! Your picture post was so sweet! My favorite memory this summer was definitely my honeymoon. :)

  2. I have always admired how gung hoe you are about new experiences! I'm so glad you had a wonderful summer! Thanks for sharing your positivity in this blog! You're amazing!!

    1. Thanks Layla!! I miss seeing your smiling face everyday. I hope the new job is going well! :)
