Explore the Chronicles

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Using My Brain

During one of my courses last year (Authentic Assessment) a professor told us that one part of being a great teacher is being a smart teacher.  She explained that being smart teacher is when you're aware of what is going on outside of the classroom in the real world. Not to get too political or anything, but we all know that others are making a lot of decisions for us that we have no control over. Anywho...

She introduced us to the book, "Smart Answers to Tough Questions". After reading a few chapters, I was hooked. It's an excellent go-to text for those questions you can't exactly "wing".

Buy the book on Amazon here

So, this post was prompted by the new law that has been brought to the great state of Missouri. I'm sure there are several opinions surrounding this "Facebook Law". Basically, because of this new law teachers are not allowed to contact students using any type of social network that is not school/district affiliated. I read the article on Huffington Post earlier and you should too!

Here's a blurb to draw you in...

Missouri 'Facebook Law' Limits Teacher-Student Interactions Online, Draws Criticism And Praise

If you're a parent, you've probably experienced a certain degree of fear at some point or another about your kids using the Internet. Maybe you peer over their shoulders while they check their Facebook pages, or try to catch glimpses of IM conversations they have with their friends. But do you worry about how they communicate online with their teachers? A new Missouri state law makes the case that you should.
The Amy Hestir Student Protection Act, signed into law on July 14, is 35 pages long, but it is two sentences that are causing quite a stir and earning it the nickname the "Facebook Law."
No teacher shall establish, maintain, or use a work-related internet site unless such site is available to school administrators and the child's legal custodian, physical custodian, or legal guardian.
No teacher shall establish, maintain, or use a nonwork-related internet site which allows exclusive access with a current or former student.

Continue reading here.

I'm sure there are many varying opinions on this and I would love to hear them!

To end, here's a video of Matt Damon sticking up for teachers. Thanks Matt! We appreciate it.


  1. I wrote down the name of this book when Laurie suggested it. Then I lost that paper. Thanks for reminding me. I wanted to read it!

  2. Hey,
    I'm a SYOSP student at Midway and I just wanted to let you know that Dr. Kingsley at Mizzou told our Thursday Friday monthly class to follow you because you had some great ideas.

    that being said ... WE ARE WATCHING YOU!


    and btw I love it! I can relate to your style of writing.

    Hannah Boyer
