Explore the Chronicles

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Get Your Sparkle On!

Glitter. glitter, and MORE GLITTER. This post is all about glitter and creating a little sparkle for the first day of school!

First, let's enjoy a few fun glittery thingy-ma-bobs:

Target commercial: LOVE

TOMS: cute and for a good cause

LET'S GO TO THE MALL! TODAY! Oh Robin Sparkles!

The sparliest of all that sparkle, Edward Cullen.

You said it, poster!

We are Not Martha has an excellent (and hilarious) how-to on creating your very own glitter shoes. After my wacky day... I decided this craft was the perfect one to change my mood around. 

We Are Not Martha Photo

We Are Not Martha photo

What do you know? I was right. My mood is mucho bettero. (I'm even making up new words, that's how you know I'm really happy!) Not only did I chat on the phone with two friends, but I also got caught up with my favorite sleazy cast from the shore. Talk about a great Thursday night!

Sparkle Sparkle! 


  1. OH I LOVE this post! First of all, I LOVE Robin Sparkles! Second, I realized that my classroom theme is basically glitter. I didn't think I had a theme until today when I realized that I have LOTS of glittered items :)

  2. I just need to find shoes to sparkle!
