Explore the Chronicles

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What I'm Reading Wednesday

You know you've found a great book when you can't wait to start reading it again from the day before. It's the kind of connection with a book I want my kids to find and I'm equally ecstatic when I find it as well. 

Since reading Gone Girl, I haven't found a thriller to capture my attention and put me at the edge of my seat. After months of waiting.... I've finally found the one. I secretly never want the book to end (okay, I'm lying... I have to know what happens) because I love the pace and unexpected nature of the storyline. I literally tell everyone I know, yes literally, they have to stop what they're doing and read the book.
Buy it on Amazon!

If you can't take my word for it.... listen to Chip, he loves it just as much as me. 

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