Explore the Chronicles

Sunday, March 2, 2014


A few weeks ago, I was lurking on Twitter and a few teachers were tweeting about using GoNoodle with their students. Of course, I had to figure out what the hype was all about. 

I signed up for a (cough FREE cough) account and before I knew it, I was training for the 100-meter dash at the Olympic trials! 
Watch the video below for a tutorial on how to get started with GoNoodle.

Right now, we are using GoNoodle first thing in the morning and transitioning in after recess. I let the students pick our morning activity. On Friday, we were throwing the javelin! The "Airtime" and "Maximo" features have been great transitioning back from recess. They are calming exercises to bring the focus back to the classroom. 

The verdict with my funky fresh kids (yes that's our nickname): we dig it!

Screenshot of our Champion

Have you used GoNoodle in your classroom? When do you find it is most effective?

Happy Sunday!

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