Explore the Chronicles

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our First Mystery Skype

Click here to visit our Skype profile. 

As of this morning, our class has officially participated in their first MYSTERY SKYPE! My twitter feed is constantly buzzing about classrooms participating in the mystery of skype, so we jumped on the band wagon today and it was fantastic!

Kudos to Ms. Sandgren from Wisconnsin who reached out to me through our Skype profile. She also provided this link to help us get our feet wet with the process. 

After we ended our conversation, we completed a Plus/Delta as a class. The majority of aspects students wanted to change from the process were technologically related. (i.e. webcam, sound, etc.) A few positives that were noted: fun, neat to see students researching US while we were researching THEM, and we could see them (hehe).

Would you like to participate in a Mystery Skype with us? Contact me!


  1. Isn't Mystery Skyping fun and valuable? We'd love to MS with you! Please email me whenever you have a minute! We are 5th grade as well. kcollazo.gw@lee.k12.nc.us
    Thanks for your great post!

  2. My class would love to Skype with you on a mystery Skype. I am in Michigan and also teach fifth grade. marciahoj@gmail.com

  3. You are doing SUCH great outreach with your class. How fun for them.

  4. This sounds awesome! I would also love to participate, we are also in Missouri, so I don't know if that would work. I am going to have to read more about this and give twitter a try! PS. I love your Cardinals pennants, I have the same one hanging in my room!! cori.mulvenon@gmail.com
