Explore the Chronicles

Monday, February 10, 2014

Going for GOLD!

I'm a BIG fan of the Olympics - I'm not partial to the Summer or Winter games, I enjoy them all! The best part about the Winter Olympics is being able to share the excitement with my students. 


During the summer games in 2012, I blogged about a yummy gold medal I created for some friends. On Friday, in honor of the Opening Ceremonies, I had my students create yummy medals (read about those here) and I photographed each one with their new Olympic bling. Naturally, most them of them chose to take a bite out of their medal. :)

Under our inspiring headline, "We are Going for Gold in 2014" I stapled their cute little faces on the board as a daily reminder to go for the GOLD each day this year! 

How are you celebrating the Winter Olympics with your students?

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