Explore the Chronicles

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Peek at our Week Video Series

Slowly by surely, I am searching for practical ways to use one iPad (without an internet connection) with 19 students. Let me tell you, this has been rather tricky. 

At the start of our new semester, I introduced a new project to my students where we would use my iPad to record video clips of our week. Each week, two students are in charge of filming and editing our "Peek at our Week" video. At the end of the week, I upload the video to YouTube and share it with families and post it on our class webpage. We are three weeks in and I've gotten a huge response from parents so far. My goal for the videos are to give parents another vision of our classroom - seeing it through the eyes of their child. What is really going on while we are at school all day? Yes, video clips of us dancing have been included in all three videos so far. Fine by me!

This year, I've really been taking advantage of all of the goodies Google has to offer. For example, my classroom has a Google Drive account where we create and keep our documents and create presentations. This has been a HUGE relief for many reasons. Now students aren't saving things in random folders, losing documents, messing with read-only files, etc. etc. Through YouTube (and Google), I started a YouTube channel for my classroom. Not only can I upload our classroom videos to this location, but I can create playlists for different subjects, events, or our favorite 5th grade things. 

Below you will find week one's video. This was our demo video and created by yours truly. I promised the parents more creativity in the future because their children would be in control. Needless to say, each week gets a little more wacky - and creative! 

Do you create movies in your classroom? Right now we are using iMovie and I'm hoping to find a different application with more editing options (text, music, themes, etc.) I would love to hear suggestions on how you incorporate movie making into the classroom, too!

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