Explore the Chronicles

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Scottie Rob's Champagne Poached Lobster

Meet Scott. 

He happens to be my favorite chef.  Now, you may think I am biased - and I am, but I am also right when I say he's an incredible chef. On New Year's Eve, he made us an amazing poached lobster dish. I intentionally ate really slow so I could savor it even longer. 

Sadly, I don't have a photograph to show you the finished product. You will just have to have faith in me when I say - it was ah-maze-ing. The perfect New Year's Eve dish! 

Scottie Rob's Champagne Poached Lobster
You'll Need:

2 lobster tails
1 leaks bundle
I  bundle green onions
1 C Whipping cream
1 C Brut Sparkling wine/champ
2 T lemon juice
2 cloves minced garlic
4 T butter
1 T dill
S&P to taste

Make it!

  • Chop green onions and leaks
  • Combine leaks, green onions, champagne, garlic, and lobster tail (in shell) in pot and bring to boil
  • Cover pot and let simmer for 15 min
  • Remove lobster from pot and set aside
  • Add whipping cream to leaks and green onion mixture and bring to a boil
  • Reduce by half
  • Whisk in butter one tablespoon at a time, add lemon juice, dill, salt and pepper to mixture
  • Remove lobster from shell and cut into medallions
  • Serve lobster over bed of leaks
  • Spoon remaining sauce over lobster

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