Explore the Chronicles

Monday, December 30, 2013

Year in Review

 Happy December 30, 2013 folks! It's hard to believe that 2013 is coming to a close so quickly. Since I've had some free time the past few days (bless you, Christmas break!) I have been having fun with social media tools.  Through #flipagram, Vizify, and Statigram, I have been reviewing my year through social media. If you're a Twitter and Instagram junkie (I mean that in the nicest way) like me, I encourage you to do the same. It's quite fun! 

Click here to watch my Vizify 2013 Twitter round up. 

#students #Chip #MIZ

Are you on Instagram, too? It's one of my favorite social media tools. I even started using it with my students! Here's a snapshot of my year on Instagram: 


Wishing you all a wonderful 2014! Here's to another great year!

1 comment:

  1. I love the year in review pics! So cute. :) I totally have to make one of those.

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans
