Explore the Chronicles

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What I'm Reading Wednesday

Currently, I am experiencing book withdrawals. You know, when you finish a book and you aren't ready to start another one but you have the longing to be wrapped up in the story line and drama of another piece of literature. Yes, that's me right now. 

On Monday, I finished reading/listening to (I did a combo this month) "The Cuckoo's Calling" by Robert Galbraith (a.k.a. J.K. Rowling). Near the end of the story, things started escalating and I actually shouted out loud, "WHAT!"  Rowling's book follows detective Comoran Strike as he investigates the mysterious death of famous supermodel, Lula Landry. I have a sneaky feeling we might be hearing from Strike again soon. I can only hope!

 Buy it on Amazon here

In my classroom, we just wrapped up Out of My Mind and have moved on to a new pick by Gordon Korman titled, "Ungifted". We are only about 20 pages in, but the kids seem to really enjoy the story so far.

Buy it on Amazon here.  

What are YOU reading this week?
Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. I loved Cuckoo's Calling and The Ungifted! Just starting and the mountains echoed as it got number 1 for fiction on goodreads! I also listen as well as use print. Love the choice! I have a 25 minute ride to work so love using audible to "read" while driving along!
