Explore the Chronicles

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Thinking Like a Delegate: Constitution Day 2012

Last week, September 17, was Constitution Day! I'm sure that many of you took time throughout the day to observe our nation's constitution and our Founding Fathers.  This year, I wanted to include a little time travel into Constitution Day.   First, I had a replica of the constitution out for the kids to observe. They loved the signatures and the fact that it was barely legible to them. 

I bought this replica at the St. Louis Arch Museum. It was the best $10.00 I've spent in awhile!

Next, I told the students that we would be focusing in on the delegates of the Constitutional Convention.  Five groups in my classroom were assigned a delegate to research. Their goal was to create a Facebook page for their Founding Father. The essential question was, "what would [insert delegate's name here] post on Facebook?" All of my students, in 5th grade, are familiar with Facebook and how it's used. The difficult part of the project was convincing them that the year was 1787 and we were taking Facebook back in time with us. See? Time travel!  I had to remind them that George Washington didn't "Like" the same activities that we do now, such as playing x-box, which means that wouldn't show up on his Facebook wall.

This activity wouldn't have been possible without my extremely talented friend, Ali. You should take the time and check out her incredible online portfolio here. I told her my vision and with the whooosh of her wand, she had emailed me a file perfect for our activity. Thanks to her my kids were able to have an extraordinary paper version of a Facebook page fit with a map of the 13 colonies!!

I gave each group a black and white version for a rough draft. After they double checked the sloppy copy with me, they jumped into their final copies in color. 

Through a few google searches, I found incredible sites for my students to use. Of course the internet wasn't exactly working on ALL 6 computers Monday, so we had to improvise. Despite the internet madness, students were able to get the basic facts from the site.  To help with common questions, I provided each student with a checklist. There were six different tasks on the checklists. First, groups divided up the responsibilities then they got to work.

Here was the checklist:

______ Cover photo should represent a painting from the convention

______ Profile picture and basic information (name, occupation, lives in, and relationship) should come from biography page.

______ Wall posts can be from family members, delegates, or children. Wall posts must relate to the current time period or an event that has happened in the delegate's life.

______ “Likes” and interests should be picked from the biography page.

______ “Friends” can include pictures of family members, spouses, children, or other delegates.

______ “Places I’ve Been Map” should include HOME state. (The map may also include: college location, convention location, etc.)

*Remember, your page should represent the LIFE of the delegate. It’s the year 1787! Good luck!

At the conclusion of the project, I laminated the pages and hung them in the hallway in a fancy red, white, and blue display. I included a little blurb about our activity and another replica constitution. Now, while kids are waiting to use the restroom they can learn a little bit about our Founding Fathers. 
Displaying our Facebook Pages.  

George Washington
John Langdon
Ben Franklin
I really enjoyed talking to my students about writing the wall posts. I encouraged them to teach our readers in the hallway something about the convention through the wall posts. First, I got several blank looks. Then the spark of creativity started to light in several groups. I was very excited by the results. 

As a result of this two day activity, several students were reminded that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are two different documents. When we study the American Revolution later, we will be able to reference this activity. Hopefully, they'll remember the names studied because several of them worked on the Declaration of Independence as well. 

How do YOU celebrate Constitution Day?


  1. This is very cool Jordan!!! You are always so creative!

    Angie Wolfe

    1. Thanks Angie!! See you today!

    2. Hi,

      This is really neat can I get the templates? I looked on TpT and didn't find them.


      Lisa Febus

  2. That is so cool! Looks like you had a blast!

  3. I love this idea! You are a great 5th grade teacher! I am student teaching right now and get so many inspirations from you.....have any ideas on how to start the Native American Unit? I want to make it exciting!

    1. Thanks for your sweet comment, Kelley! We start Native Americans today. I plan on doing a collaborative project that should last about 2 weeks. Email me! I'll share my plans with you! jordon.furnell@gmail.com

    2. May I please have a copy of the Facebook template?
      Thanks so much!

  4. ahhh it turned out so great! i am so glad i could help out with this awesome project ;)

  5. I would love a copy of the facebook template...to use in my own classroom!! Would you mind sharing?? sophie.kranz@gmail.com


  6. I'd love to do this with my 5th grade too! Could I get copy if your template? I looked on TpT but didn't find it.



  7. Yes, if possible I would love to have the template. Would work great with the unit I am doing on national history day.

    1. I would love to share. What is your email?

    2. I would love it too! aubreelarsen@gmail.com

    3. I would love to do this activity next week for Constitution Day. Could I get the Facebook template? cnwiddowson@gmail.com

  8. I would love to have the Facebook template! Are you selling or sharing that anywhere?

    1. Can I please have the template too!

    2. I would love it as well.


    3. I would love it too please! Fantastic idea!!



  9. That is amazing! May I also have the Facebook template? My e-mail is jenny.radigan@sequoiachoice.org

  10. I'd love to have the template, if you're willing to share! I'm also a 5th grade teacher and this looks fantastic! My email address is abbyteske@gmail.com. Thank you!

  11. I would also love to have a copy. Great idea! I am always looking for ways to relate these documents to present day activities so my kids can understand them better. My email is lbuckelew@albertk12.org Thanks!

  12. I would also love a copy of the template so I can do this project with my after school students. Thank you for sharing this great idea!
    Email: amberlei95@aol.com

  13. Same here... I LOVE this! Could I please get this document sent to:

    Thanks! Also, I love all your Social Studies posts! I teach 5th grade history in Missouri, too. If you happen to have any lesson/unit plans that you could e-mail me or share via Dropbox, I'd be a happy camper. :)

  14. Hi, I love the facebook template and would love a copy if possible. My email is lgray1@wcpss.net. Thank you so much!

  15. I'm actually working in a 5th grade class and they're going over this right now! I would also love a copy of the facebook template if that would be okay! My email is emm10@alfred.edu. Thank you! You're so creative!

  16. Love this! Can you send me a copy of the facebook template @ smartz@hartlake.org
    Thanks so much!

  17. Oh my word! I just love this template. I teach 4th grade in Panama City, Florida and can just think of so many ways to incorporate this into my class! If you are willing, I would love to have a copy. My email is klostjr@bay.k12.fl.us. Thank you so much. i love your blog.

  18. I as well would love a copy of your amazing template! I will be student teaching soon and I love the idea of this activity! Thanks for inspiring me! My email is eschober@zagmail.gonzaga.edu


  19. I'd love the template too please! punky780104@gmail.com

  20. I would love to get a copy of this template! You did a great job! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  21. Can you please email me a copy of the template as well? akheimer@yahoo.com.

  22. I would absolutely LOVE to get this template ... I love popping over to your site to get more SS inspiration :) It truly is my favorite subject to teach and integrate! Thanks for sharing such great ideas :) My email is bbermingham@trschools.org

  23. I would also love the template, amazing idea!! My email is kdoolan3@une.edu.au. Thanks a million! :)

  24. This is great!! Could you possibly send me the template as well?? elima005@gmail.com

    Please and thank you!

  25. Hi! I just stumbled upon this great idea and would love to ask for your Facebook template. My kids will love to design and find out more about people through this activity. riafe_ruiz@yahoo.com

  26. I love your facebook template. I would love to use it in my fourth grade class. Can you please e-mail me a copy kcalhoun810@gmail.com.

  27. Absolutely beautiful! I, too, made a "Facebook Page" for my fourth grade class, but it was nowhere near as beautiful as yours. May I have a copy?



  28. Is there any way i can get a copy of your facebook template! Thanks!!--Hernandez_c2007@yahoo.com

  29. Is there a chance I can get a copy of your facebook template? It's awesome! sallenzoom@gmail.com

  30. Awesome. Could you please email me the Facebook template? I am so excited to teach Social Studies with my students because of the great ideas I've found.

  31. Love this idea. Would be perfect for all historical figures. May I please get template too?

  32. This is awesome! I would love to use it in my history class. If you could email me the template I would appreciate it :) Thanks- erica_gurney@hotmail.com

  33. This was so great! I'd have to modify it for 2nd grade, but I think that they would get into it too. I've been thinking about doing a FB page for describing characters in books too. If you wouldn't mind sharing, I'd love a copy of the template you used as well. Thanks so much! Beth - casteele@person.k12.nc.us

  34. I love this idea! Research, point if view and a little Facebook fun! If you are willing to share the template my email us amy.garland@evsc.k12.in.us

  35. Love your ideas! I too would love the template if you are willing to share. My e-mail is teachr26@gmail.com. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  36. If you're still willing to share your Facebook template I'd love to have it! Thanks janes27@msn.com!

  37. I would love a copy of the template.

  38. I would love a copy of the template.

  39. If you don´t mind, I´d also love a copy of the template! kstreker@yahoo.com. Thank you so much!

  40. What an awesome idea!!! I would love a copy of your template if you don't mind. My email is ilovenordstrom@yahoo.com

  41. So creative! Could you send me a copy of the template please? My email is martinj6891@yahoo.com

  42. This is really cool. I would love a copy too (latishacoleman2@yahoo.com). I just bought farcbook templates from http://www.teachersdiscovery.com/blank-farce-book-poster-set-of-30.html that I am going to use w/ my Salem Unit. Thanks for sharing! Also, like the explorers timeline!

  43. I would love a copy of the FB template too! Thanks!

  44. I would love to do this project with my 5th graders too. May I have a copy of your FaceBook template? My e-mail is lynnheinz3@gmail.com

    Thank you!!! Lynn :)

  45. If you're still willing to send out copies of the template I would love to have it. Or if you've put it up somewhere I'd be willing to purchase it. :) My email is: glara@csumb.edu

  46. This is a great idea. We would love to have a template copy for our 4th graders to complete. My email address is slongof@clarke.k12.ga.us

  47. I would love a copy of this template. :) jlz0407@rcn.com. Thanks!

  48. This is awesome! It would go great with my character traits lesson that I have planned for next week. Could you please email me a template? ncenedella@gdrsd.org Thanks so much!

  49. Do you still have the Facebook template available? If so, could you email it to me @ mlenamon@mcgregor-isd.org

  50. If the template is still available, I would sincerely appreciate a copy of it!! If you can, please email it to me: TiffanyAYeomans@gmail.com - I love this idea and know it will suit my 4th grade gifted class so perfectly well :) Thanks for sharing!

  51. I just stumbled upon your blog through a link on Pinterest. I LOVE the facebook style page you used with your students to learn about the framers. Are you willing to share a copy of it? My email is luvmyaidan@gmail.com Thanks so much

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. This is fabulous! Thank you for sharing. I would love to get a copy of the template for my 5th grade class, if possible. My email address is angelac@mountcarmelschool.net.

  54. This is a great idea! I would love a copy of this is, if you are will to share still. My email is aachapman11@gmail.com

  55. Great F!acebook template! I will add my request to all the others for a copy of the template. I sure wish I was this creative! cfrazier@interact.ccsd.net

  56. Ditto to what everyone else said! I'd also love a copy of the template too! stephanie.gauthia@cherokee.k12.ga.us

  57. I would love a copy of this! My email is njackson@miami.k12.ok.us

  58. This is such a great idea and thanks to you many teachers have benefitted from this project! I would also love a copy of the template! My email is aubreelew@cvesd.org

  59. May I have a copy of the template as well? james_hiller@beaverton.k12.or.us. Thank you!

  60. This is fantastic! May I please have a copy? Thank you so very much!

  61. Well, I too MUST have a copy of the Facebook template! I am thrilled to see this for the students. Thank you in advance :) anfugitt@bolivarschools.org

  62. I would love a copy as well!!! Very creative!

  63. The Facebook idea you came up with is terrific. Kids must find this an awesome project. I too would be thrilled to have a copy of the template because I can see this used in a variety of different projects. Thanks for sharing your creativity!! carol.williams@ops.org

  64. I will be teaching 5th grade in the fall and would love a copy of your Facebook template. Thanks! sbordy5@gmail.com

  65. Hi! This is SO awesome! I would LOVE a copy of your FB template:)
    I am moving from Kindergarten to 5th grade this year and looking for great ideas!!

  66. I would love the FB template! TIA! izzyart08@yahoo.com

  67. This is so creative and fantastic. I'm a new 5th grade teacher and would love a copy of the FB template. Have a great start to your school year! amorrison@ycusd.k12.ca.us

  68. May I have a copy of the facebook template? It is wonderful!

  69. If I could get a copy of your template I would be so appreciative! I am getting ready to do a Constitution unit and this would be the perfect project for my students! Thanks!

  70. May I have a copy of the facebook template as well please? So great!!

  71. May I please also have a copy of this fabulous template? I would be so appreciative! Amy.granger@oxfordschools.org.

  72. This is an awesome idea. May I please get a copy of the facebook page template? allisonborba@att.net or aborba@mcswain.k12.ca.us

  73. May I also have a copy of the Facebook template as well? It's an awesome way to connect the present with the past. Definitely a way to get my students thinking more deeply about their delegates. I'd also love to see what you're doing for your Native American unit. Thanks in advance. kmom54@gmail.com

  74. I teach 5th grade in Santa Barbara. Could you please send a copy of this fabulous template to angelac@mountcarmelschool.net? I would love to use it for Constitution Day!

  75. May I have a copy of the facebook template? it looks awesome. Thanks. Lynda.mccain@greenwoodk12.com

  76. Can I please get a copy of the facebook template? It's so cute.


    Thank you!

  77. This is amazing. I would really love a copy! Granger.amy@gmail.com. Thank you!

  78. What a great idea! I would love to have a copy of the FB template. Any chance you could send it to me? jackiestugess@stl-eastpointe.org

  79. I, too, would love a copy of the very creative delegate Facebook template! Thank you!



  80. Please email me a copy of the AWESOME FB page at josihawkins@gmail.com
    Thank you! Love it!

  81. May I please have a copy of the template. I'm going to adapt it for a book report on Bud, Not Buddy.
    Thanks for sharing!!!
    Andrea anavaira@mbssjc.org

  82. Can I please have a copy of the template, please? I love this!

  83. This is great! May I please have a copy too?


  84. I'm working on a unit on the Constitution, and your Facebook page worksheet would be perfect for my lesson on the delegates of the convention and the Framers. May I please have the template? My email address is rebafan92@hotmail.com. Thank you so much!

  85. This is fantastic! May I have a copy of the facebook template? Thank you!


  86. May I have a copy of the Facebook template? I'd love to try it! Thanks!

  87. I love this! I want to use it for a Black History project. Can you please email me the template to lrrobertson@henrico.k12.va.us Thanks so much!

  88. Could I please have a copy of the facebook template? I teach 4th grade and my kids would love it! My email is jaimieh@pagecounty.k12.va.us

  89. Could I please have a copy of the facebook template? I teach 4th grade and my kids would love doing this! My email is jaimieh@pagecounty.k12.va.us

  90. I would love a copy of your facebook template if it's possible...LOVED your ideas! lonsteph@cassiaschools.org

  91. Could I get a copy of your facebook template please...I just LOVED your idea for this! lonsteph@cassiaschools.org

  92. Can I please have a copy of the Facebook template? Thank you~ it is fantastic!

  93. Can I please have a copy of the Facebook template? Thank you~ it is fantastic!

  94. May I have a copy of the Facebook template? I'm really looking forward to trying this out! Thanks so much!!

  95. I would love a copy of your template. I work with gifted elementary students, and this is such a great idea! merch2800@yahoo.com

  96. I love this idea! Can i Please have a copy of your template? MGrisi@jefftwp.org

  97. This is GREAT!!!!! I would love a copy of the facebook template also.

  98. Hello,

    Although I teach fourth grade, my kids would looooooove this. I would to request a copy and I am willing to pay for it. Email: djackson12@ebrschools.org

  99. hi! i was just searching for something new and fun for the kids to do and found this. Are you by chance still sharing this FB template? I would love it!! Many thanks!!

  100. May I also have a copy of the facebook template? I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

  101. If you're still sharing the Facebook template, I would absolutely love to have it as well! My email is akhill1@wichita.edu. Thanks so much!

  102. What a great idea. Would also live a copy of the template please. Lorna.neilson@btinternet.com

  103. If you're still sharing the Facebook template, I would love it, too! My email is warsawg@hotmail.com

  104. If you're still sharing the Facebook template, I would love to have a copy, too! My email is warsawg@hotmail.com.

  105. I love this! If you are sharing a facebook template I would love a copy of it. My email is alex.m.sloan@gmail.com
