Explore the Chronicles

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Acting a Little Crazy

Holy moly! It's summer vacation. I know this for SURE because It's 9:00 AM on a Thursday, I'm in my pajamas, and I'm watching Kelly Ripa on TV. Yes .. Yes.. this IS real life.

The last day of school was a roller coaster of emotions. While signing yearbooks, I almost lost it (several times) when one student shouted, "Ms. Furnell.. I've been looking for you EVERYWHERE." Little moments! I am so excited to continue my fun as a teacher in 5th grade next year.

Of course, I'm crazy - and I started planning for next year. It's what I do. I plan, plan, plan, and plan some more. I've even already planned an itinerary for a vacation in two weeks. I can't help it!

Continuing with my crazy planning, I started working on a bulletin board for next year. Next year, I am going to utilize a theme of "Discovery" for my classroom. I'm going to tie everything back to this idea of discovering new knowledge, new information, new frontiers, etc.

So, I invite you to DISCOVER SCIENCE!

The Rocket Was My Favorite Part!

This year, I really struggled with our end of the day routine. It was absolutely bonkers. There was little consistency and I felt like I was going to scream often. I've decided to go with a manageable job system for next year. The students will apply for jobs they want and keep those jobs for a quarter or semester maybe? I haven't thought that far.

Our job chart was inspired by the oh-so-wonderful-and-life-altering-and-life-consuming iPhone.


Once I figure out what I want each job to be, I'll write them on the job chart. Exciting, huh?

Now, I'm off to begin my first day of summer break at the spa. Thanks to a wonderful birthday present, I get to spend my afternoon being pampered!

Happy Thursday! :)


  1. I love the bulletin board! What are you planning for next year?

  2. I totally might have to steal the iHELP idea...! :)

  3. I love the ihelp and use pockets for my job chart right now, but it's so boring. The jobs I have are: inspectors (they dismiss students to pack up with cleared off desks and floor spaces), sanitation managers, sink manager, floor managers (pick up random stuff off the ground), paper managers, door/lights manager, materials managers, teacher helper, office manager, books manager (library books and our classroom library), homework manager, attendance manager, substitute teacher helper, substitute job managers.

  4. Hi! Is there anyway you can explain how you created the ihelp job chart! i LOVE it and am a first year teacher!!! :)

    1. Absolutely! I used black and gray construction paper. The "apps" are made out of library pockets. You can find them at any teacher store..sometimes even the dollar store! I laminated the chart and sliced the pockets open afterwards. Super easy!!
