Explore the Chronicles

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Simple things make my heart go pitter-patter. Naturally, when I found a recipe from Real Simple magazine, I was pumped. 

I needed a quick and yummy appetizer to compliment a spaghetti night. I instantly Pinterested (is that a word yet?) bruschetta. Because, I absolutely adore all things bruschetta! It's absolutely amazing but not absolutely easy to make. Lucky for me, I found the Blue Cheese and Honey Bruschetta. 

Easy-Peasy Lemon Squeezy
Mentally prepare yourself for this super simple recipe. Are you ready? Okay, get set... GO!


  • 1/2 baguette
  • 3 ounces blue cheese
  • 2 tablespoons honey
1. Thinly slice the baguette. Place the rounds on a baking sheet and broil until golden brown (about 1 1/2 minutes per side).
2. Divide the blue cheese among the toasted bread slices. Drizzle 2 tablespoons honey evenly over them.
The combo of honey and blue cheese is divine. It was delightful and I intend on making this little diddy again. 
Ready to Roll Out

Besides my fun appetizer, I'm also equally fascinated with my pedometer. Best $15.00 ever spent! Right now, I'm at 11, 634 steps and I'm headed to my rockstar fitness class! Buy one, I promise you it's bound to entertain you ... for at least one day. 

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