Explore the Chronicles

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blogging Awards!

Yippie Ki-ayyy! Amanda at The Teaching Thief has nominated me for my first blogging award! I'm so excited and very thankful! I am going to pretend that this is my Emmy Award and I'm accepting along with my favorite actors and actresses. Wahoo! What a super Sunday!

With this award comes a few responsibilities...

Here are the next steps:
1) Link back to those that nominated you and thank them. 
2) Share 7 things about yourself . 
3) Pass the award on to 15 other blogs that you know and love. 

A few tidbits about me!

1. I love television (possibly too much). I have a different show I have to watch every single night!
2. I drink a lot of coca-cola. 
3. I would love to teach elementary school in London, England. 
4. I have so many pillows in my house... I don't even have places to put them all!
5. I convinced my students last year that I was majoring in joke-telling in college. 
6. My dream is to live in a house that looks exactly like the one in Up. 
7. I didn't eat peanut butter until I graduated college -gasp!

Next, here are 15 blogs that I nominate for The Versatile Blogger award! 


  1. Yay! What an honor! Thanks so much!!!

  2. Thank you so much Jordon! I love your blog too!!!

  3. Thats is soooo sweet!!! You made my day :) Thanks!

    ❤ Mor ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  4. I have nominated your blog for The Versatile Blogger Award:) Stop by to Learn More:)

    ❤ Mor ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure
