Explore the Chronicles

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hoppin' Around Part 1

I apologize for my lack of crafting and cooking lately, but this so-called-thing called "school" started. It appears to have taken a hostile takeover of my life. It's also rather selfish and requires a lot of my time! Oh well, I don't mind a bit. Considering I have had ample time all summer to craft and lounge it's about time I got my bum in gear!

Since I'm putting crafting on the back burner for now ... I'm going to participate in "Teacher Week!" Blog Hoppin' is a blog dedicated to great teaching ideas from a variety of teachers. This linky party seemed like all the rage in teacher blog world. It sounded like another bandwagon was calling my name. You know my stance on bandwagons, so once again... ALL ABOARD!

Meet the Teacher Monday!

Fact: You're Never Too Old For Disney
Tell us a little something about you...
Howdy doody! I'm Jordon. I'm a 5th grade teacher at the lake. I have lived in Missouri all of of my life and I kind of love it. Don't be fooled, I'm not a cowgirl nor do I know anything about farming. The "howdy doody" was more a fun way to say hello. When I was little, I told my dad that I wanted to work at McDonalds so I could play on the playplace on my breaks. Lucky for me, I can play on the recess equipment on my breaks. 

How long have you been teaching?

This is my second year teaching! Last year, I was a second grade teacher in a rural Missouri town. Technically, I was a "Fellow".  I was a full-time Masters student and full-time teacher. It's a great program through the University of Missouri, where first year teachers have the opportunity to earn their Masters while simultaneously working as a full time teacher! It wasn't the easiest year by any means. :) Now, I'm a second year teacher with my Masters and it's full steam ahead .. chooo chooo!

What are you looking most forward to this school year?

Everything! I'll be honest, it doesn't take much to excite me. I bought new post-its the other day and I was on cloud nine. Being in a new district and school has me excited about absolutely everything. I'm already loving my school and everyone I work with. The district adopted a new reading series this year, so I'm working hard to understand it completely so that I can use it to its capacity! Since I'm in 5th grade this year, it's a whole different ball game than my little second graders. I'm pumped about the conversations and learning experiences that we'll have in the intermediate classroom!

What do you need to improve?

Everything! I have a long way to go until I reach "master teacher" status. I've got a lot of work to do and soo much more to learn. This year has been a little easier adjusting to since I do have some experience, but it's still a new adventure everyday! In a way, I love that I don't know anything because it gives me more drive to learn more. On the flip side, I can't wait to be the one giving advice to new teachers. For now, all I can say is ... write everything down (copies to be made, grocery lists, tv shows to watch, student quotes and funny stories, dismissal changes, books to read, etc.) It's impossible to remember everything..  sometimes it's impossible to remember anything. 

What teaching supplies can you *not* live without?

Post-its! I literally have every size you can imagine. Scratch that, I love all pads of paper regardless of the sticky-factor. A friend and I are often exchanging cutesy pads of paper because we both love them!

Coca-Cola! (I refer to it as "Coke", but I don't want people getting the wrong idea!) I prefer a large coke from Sonic. Sadly, the closest Sonic to me is now 15 miles away! That's too far for a coke in the AM

BOOKS! I am seriously addicted. My classroom library is exploding at the seams. I wish I could display all of my books, but I just don't have the room. Plus, a lot of my books are picture books... eek! Anytime I can find a way to connect a unit and/or lesson to a read aloud, I do it! Read alouds can add so much to as lesson, I would never deprive my students of that experience!


  1. I love read-alouds and books too!! But don't we all, haha!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  2. Welcome to the Full-Time teaching world! I love the idea of your masters program! That's fantastic!

    I just switched the other direction: from grade 5/6 down to Grade 1/2, but I'm loving it!

    Picture Books are great for Reading Strategy and Writing lessons, even in the upper grades!

    Good luck!

    Back Hall Collaborators

  3. oh my gosh...I can't imagine being a first year teacher and a full time grad student. High Five to you sister. It must feel amazing to have accomplished that. Best wishes for the upcoming school year.

    ❤Jodi from...
    ★★The Clutter-Free Classroom★★
    Helping Teachers Get Organized

  4. Welcome to fifth grade! Hope you enjoy your year with the big kids!

  5. My first year of teaching was in 5th! I loved it... I'm a new follower :)

  6. Nice to e you! I shouldn't be surprised that nearly every teacher I've seen today has some kind of soda listed on their post...I had to give it up recently but prior to that I was also a Coca-Cola addict!

  7. I just graduated this past spring and am participating in a 5th year distinguished educator program. I am excited to earn my master's while teaching this first year, but know it is going to be a lot of work!
