Explore the Chronicles

Thursday, August 11, 2011


For the past two weeks, I have been working hard to complete my classroom. Finally! I feel like it's ready for kids to arrive ONE WEEK FROM TODAY. OH MY GOODNESS! 

Welcome to Ms. Furnell's 5th Grade Classroom! 

That's right! I have a SMARTboard this year.

Rain gutters as book shelves. Perfection!

SPIDERMAN is missing! He will soon complete my "CAUGHT" bulletin board.

Books books and more books!

Non-Fiction shelf. My love!

Get the SCOOP on our daily schedule!

Is that the Osage way?

What do you think? The walls are bare and ready for science and communication arts "stuff" that we create together!

NOW! I must print labels, fill out insurance and tax forms, watch high quality tv, and do a mason jar craft. I think I can.. I think I can.


  1. Wow, your room looks great! I love the rain gutter book shelf idea. What's your mason jar project? I'm so curious. ~Amanda
    The Teaching Thief

  2. Looking good!!! I love your The Scoop board! I put up my calendar today, but it looked so blah...I might take some of your ideas! Thanks!!

    -Sister Teachers

  3. THANK YOU! I'm glad I could provide some ideas!!

  4. So I'm channeling my "inner Jordon" today as I create two projects you've blogged about for my classroom: crayon wreath and tissue paper pom poms...so wish me luck! ( :

    Love all the pics of your class by the way, your students are going to love it! I am a huge fan of your rugs, so bright and colorful. You've inspired me to find a cool one for my room. I'll keep you posted on how all my projects turn out!
